Monthly Archives: May 2010

Carrie Bradshaw and I need to have a little chat

Carrie Bradshaw and the Sex and the City girls have been the go-to for fashion, friendship, and dating advice for years. These four girls have stuck together through it all and, I think, it’s what every girl wants. Fun. Fierce clothes. The best friends a girl could ask for. Not to mention dating, and other unmentionable acts, with some of the most attractive men. Swoon.

But this new movie that I saw tonight with my mother in law was strange for me. It was good. I loved the clothes. The unapologetic attitudes about sex and not being afraid to be a strong and independent woman. The situations these women get themselves into. All of Carries shoes. (I would give ANYTHING to have those blue Manolo Blahnik’s from the last movie, which were nicely cameoed in Carrie’s closet this time around.

But the themes were getting to me.

If you have read anything I have written in the past week, you know I’m getting married in, now, 3 days. I am excited, to say the least. I can’t sleep. I’m restless. I’m antsy. All I want to do is to go over every detail and all I can talk about the this wedding.

I’m a five year old again.

I guess I wasn’t in the right mindset for this movie tonight. I won’t spoil anything, but a major theme was marriage problems and cheating while married. NOT what I want to even think about right now.

I got my first tiny taste of panic. From a movie. Lame.

I love him. I trust him. I do not need little bits of doubt about the sanctity of marriage or whether or not we will want to be around each other all 7 days of the week.

I guess this just wasn’t the movie for me. I thought maybe I should watch it later, but I feel like those themes are not something a newlywed needs to think about. I need to see a movie where love always prevails and people cannot be happier to be with their soulmate. Basically, I need the first movie again. Only, let’s skip the part where Big doesn’t show up at the wedding the first time. Another thought that I don’t need.

Oh well. Maybe in a few years I will be abel to look past those things and just enjoy the movie for the fabulous-ness of it all.

Tomorrow, we head home. A few wedding errands (tux, last minute gifts, nails, etc.). Saturday is just finishing up last minute things and rehearsal dinner.

And then Sunday. May 30th, 2010. 5pm. I will be walking down the aisle, looking at my future husband, and knowing I get to be with my best friend for forever.

Enjoy your holiday weekend and I’ll send you Mexico pictures!

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, Pop Culture, wedding

“Can you do me a favor?”

The Bachelorette party was a complete success! I was excited for it, but it turned out to be more fun that I imagined. I truly have some amazing friends who had me in mind the entire time they were planning. It was perfect for me.

The weekend started Friday. We went to get our marriage license. Was this as ridiculous for anyone else?? The woman who waited on us must have been deaf and blind. Not trying to be mean, but she would ask us the dumbest questions and we would tell her, and then as she repeated it, she didn’t repeat the answer we just gave her. She thought the fiance’s first name was his last name for some ridiculous reason. We corrected her about FIVE times, and she STILL printed it wrong and then got frustrated with us because she had to print a second one. I was trying so hard to keep from laughing and I was trying to keep the fiance from going off on her. Never thought going to City Hall would be such an event. Also, it cost of $50. Not sure if this is typical in other states, but we thought it was a little ridiculous, especially since I will have to pay another $15 to get an official copy after the wedding so I can change my name. Oh government and you trying to steal all my money. Oh well. Probably the best $50 I’ve ever spent.

Fiance’s friends showed up in the afternoon and I dropped him off. I instantly became nervous. No idea why, but I did. All the craziness that could happen started running through my mind. I met up with a friend to grab dinner and see a movie so I didn’t have to sit at home and think about what he was doing while he was out. I know guys will be guys, so whatever.

I didn’t have anything in my closet that I felt was just right for the night. I had fancy cocktail dresses, but I knew that’s not the type of night we were having, and my little cotton dress didn’t seem nice enough. So I headed to the mall and went to work. And I found this little number:

Bisou Bisou Dress

(Can’t find a bigger picture. Sorry.)

It was perfect. It was flirty and fun without being too low or too tight. It was also on sale, which was wonderful. It fit perfectly, and the kicker, it has pockets!! I love pockets in dresses. I think they are fantastic. And then I took this opportunity to buy a little clutch purse. I’ve always wanted one, but never had a real reason, until now. I love Target:

Target- Mossimo clutch

It was perfect. And will probably be my new best friend in Mexico. No need to carry around my giant bag when I (shouldn’t) need it.

Enough about the outfit. I was just very excited about it and I would probably have made it my rehearsal dinner dress if I didn’t already have one.

So, Saturday, I went and met up with friend E, who was the one who planned the entire bach. party. I had received baseball tickets for my birthday in March, and since I knew it was fiance’s bach. party, I decided I would invite E along. She loves the C@rdin@ls as much as I do, so it was wonderful. We grabbed some lunch beforehand so we didn’t have to spend a fortune on overpriced, yet very yummy, ballpark hotdogs. The weather was gorgeous. We had some pretty good seats.

We lost because our players, apparently, decided to enjoy the weather and not actually play worth a damn, but I enjoyed myself.

Should be an advertisement or something.

We headed back to E’s apartment and showered and got ready. The whole time, she’s refusing to tell me ANYTHING. The other two girls arrived. They dressed me in my sash, crown, and flashing button. I was very glad none of them had any male genitalia on them. While it’s amusing to watch other brides to be in it all, I really didn’t feel like prancing around it in.

We headed to dinner. It was DELICIOUS. It was a little tapas restaurant right by E’s apartment. P and R loved it as well. We had a little back room to ourselves and they had the gorgeous bartender wait on us. E goes there ALL the time, so she knew him and it was just fun. Absolutely great food, great drinks, and the perfect start to the night.

After dinner, we went back to E’s apartment. All I knew was that we had reservations at our next place, but E had a surprise for us back at her placeĀ  before we headed out. She had these awesome glowing rings for all of us. Mine was clear and their’s were pink. It just added some more fun to the night.

What would you do if your real ring was that big?? I would need a bodyguard!

She had the BEST chocolate cream pie for us. It was truly heaven in a pie crust. She also had champagne and strawberries for us to have a little dessert before heading to my favorite bar.

There is this amazing vodka bar in my hometown city. George Clooney went there when he was filming his last movie in said city. The bar itself is frozen to keep the drinks cold. I love it and the girls knew it, so they got us reservations for the night. E also had a deck of dare cards for us to play throughout the night. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who had to do them. We all took turns and it was so much fun. By about halfway through the night, most of the bar knew what we were doing, and all the guys played along and were so much fun. Nothing was too scandalous and I’ve never had so much fun. Here are the appropriate pictures, or the ones without us in them.

When our rings unite....

The Cards. Oh the friends we made that night!

We were constantly asking guys, “Can you do me a favor?” They all obliged and even took the nine million pictures with us.

At one point, I had all of this setting in front of me. Two of which the owner bought me. He was a lot of fun.

Water was very important. For every drink I ordered, or was bought for me, I had a water. If I finished the water before the drink, I got another water before buying another. This prevented me from just falling all over the place and looking ridiculous. It worked wonderfully.

We love free stuff.

So, terrible picture, but a promoter for the new Sex and the City:2 move was at the bar that night. He gave us free t-shirts, posters, and these fun little tattoos. We all put them on just to be silly. Free stuff is always great.

Overall, the night was a success! I had a blast and so did they. Nothing insane happened, which is perfect for me. We, of course, went through a drive through at 3:30am, devoured our greasy, not-on-my-diet food, and crashed. I loved it and I am wishing I could do it again.

We are now 5 days from the big day and the stress is getting to me a little. I’ve gotten about 25 phone calls today, all having something to do with the wedding, or what needs to happen before, etc.

So, what was your bachelorette party like?

Any pre-wedding advice? Should I get a massage? Do I get sentimental with my Mom Saturday night, or do I hang out with fiance and our friends the night before?

I’ve decided to give a few pictures of sneak peeks of the wedding. I know I won’t be on here probably Friday-6/10, so here are just a couple hits at what this Sunday will be like to hold you over.

This is where dinner will be. Centerpieces will be different, but I am in LOVE with these lanterns and I just had to have them for my wedding.

I love this space!

The black chairs. The big, open windows over looking the city. The crisp lanterns that will be lit up once it gets dark. And this is just the dinner room!

This is the vest color for all of the guys, except my future husband. He will be in ivory.

A light green color.

Now, I must go attack my mile long to do list. Any tips on what to say during my rehearsal dinner speech? Because I’m clueless.

New Teacher. New Wife (in 5 days!)


Filed under Just having fun, wedding

Wish Me Luck

This is just a quick little post. Nothing fancy. No racing around and trying to get ready in world record times.

Tomorrow fiance and I head home to go to our respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. His will start Friday night when his friends show up and end in a hangover Sunday morning, and mine is all day Saturday.

Nothing too scandalous, I hope!

No idea what is going to happen. I don’t imagine it to be filled with trying to get kisses from guys or anything embarrassing because these girls know I hate that stuff. Mostly because I get embarrassed SUPER easy.

However, fiance and I both love a particular vodka bar and I bet both of our parties will show up there at some point. His best man suggested that if we DO end up there at the same time, we should act like we don’t know each other at all. Then, after having a drink, go a flirt with each other, and at some point start making out. The bar will think some slutty bride and skanky groom are making out with random people. Imagine the stories strangers would go home to tell if they saw that? You know YOU would tell everyone. At least I would.

So, wish me luck. I cannot wait for Saturday and to go out and have a good time. I will update with as many pictures as are appropriate for the internet and without keeping me from getting a job! haha

I Sunday night, as I recover, will be the perfect time to fill you in on all the crazy stories!

Enjoy your weekend!

New Teacher New Wife


Filed under Happy little posts, wedding

Elephants never forget

But this girl here sure does. She sure forgets BIG.

Tonight, fiance and I decided to make some homemade soup. It’s my step-mom’s recipe. Delicious chicken corn chowder. It’s delicious and with tons of vegetables. (If you want the recipe, let me know because it’s awesome!)

I’ve been working on my lack of domestic skills, so we were making it together and just hanging out. It was a little early, but after smelling the soup and it just simmering away in the next room, we thought we might as well eat. And by early, I mean 5pm. Oh well.

We put on some of The Office on Netflix and ate our delicious soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. We figured we would hang out at home. His best man was going to come over later and I was going to make some margaritas.

Sounds like the recipe for a perfect night, right?

That is until his phone goes off.

He gets a text from his mom saying, “We’re on the left side of the restaurant.”

She isn’t always the greatest at texting, so he figured she meant to send it to one of her friends since they frequently have girl’s night dinners. He sends one back saying “Wrong person.”

Then she calls. And we realize how bad we messed up.

His Granny is too sick to make the trip to the wedding, so she and Grandad told my MIL last week that they wanted all of us to go out to dinner to spend some time together before the wedding since they won’t be there. It was planned for tonight. At 6pm. MIL called at 5:59.

All chaos breaks out. See, I had gone tanning and had showered, and since we were just going to be at home, that meant old jeans, t-shirt, no make-up, and nothing done with the hair.

We fly into freak out/panic/teamwork mode. All the while laughing hysterically because we couldn’t believe what was happening.

He turned on my straightener for me and I was flipping out. I had done laundry, and then they were still in a pile and very wrinkled. (see: lack of domestic skills)

NTNW: I have nothing to wear!!

Fiance: You always say that. You have something. We have to hurry.

NTNW: Will you iron my dress while I straighten my hair???

Fiance: I have to get ready too.

NTNW: Which will take you 2 minutes. Please?!?!

So he turned into the greatest fiance ever and ironed my cotton dress because the cami and cardigan that go with it were, miraculously, already ironed. The laundry gods were looking down on me or something. I frantically made my hair at least look like I tried and maybe just the humidity got to it. I shoved clothes on. Grabbed a necklace and earrings. Fiance had my makeup in his hands and I put on my shoes and jewelery while running out the door.

From the time my MIL called, to the time we hit the car, it took us 6 minutes. That’s an insane record for me. Heck, for any girls who still had to straighten hair.

I did make up in the car and we concocted a little story about fiance getting back from cycling late. We hated ourselves that we forgot about the dinner that Granny and Grandad planned especially for us and we did not want them to know we forgot. Lying isn’t good, but I felt in this instance, it was the lesser of the two evils.

Remember how we ate dinner early? I was so full just from our soup and sandwich dinner, but we couldn’t go in there and say we weren’t hungry. So we both had a SECOND dinner. You know that big event in 12 days?? I’m trying to cut down on food…not eat TWO DINNERS.

We were miserable when we left, but I don’t think anyone was the wiser. We had a good time and enjoyed getting some special time with Granny and Grandad. We then came home, put on our stretchy pants and vowed to work out hard tomorrow. There was NO WAY we were going to be able to do any physical activity tonight.

I still feel awful about this, but at least we could spend time with them that they felt was special and I promised that I would take pictures with my camera of rehearsal dinner and I figured someone would take pictures with their own camera, and we will be bringing those over to Granny and Grandad’s to show them everything.

I must now go get in a hot bath and hope that second meal magically dissolves from my midsection. Cross your fingers for me.

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, Married Life


12 days and I become Mrs. A. 23 years as Ms. S and then it changes. There are so many things that I will have to change my name on. Credit cards, insurance cards, mailing addresses, bank accounts, social security cards, where I get a job, resume. The list goes on.

Shouldn’t he take my name? hah

And all I can think about is what Law School Wife wrote to me a little while back. I have these grand ideas in my head about the wedding and married life. I mean, there’s this HUGE event that’s been being planned or the last 17 months and it’s all I can think about or talk about. But what about after? No one gives you help for after. Just a million and a half wedding tips. But what do we do after? Does our relationship change? Do we act different? Just because we share a last name…does everything change?

This was Law School Wife’s advice to me: Enjoy every moment of this exciting time, because it will shock you how normal life is after the wedding! (Not in a bad way-things just fall into place. Itā€™s like going 0 to 60 to back to 0!)

I can relate to this.

I just moved in officially to the fiance’s apartment. It’s not like I wasn’t over here ALL the time and practically lived here, but I no longer have my own apartment and all my stuff is crammed shoved in here.

We have been together for over 4 years now, so it’s not like we are still trying to get used to each other. We know the little quirks of each other and what buttons will upset the other and which buttons to stay away from. We pretty much know what the other likes and doesn’t. We will always learn something new about each other, but we’re pretty comfortable around each other.

So after the wedding?

Like she said. Back to normal.

I guess I always thought that everything changed after you got married, and in some ways, it does. I mean, we will still be the same people and the same couple. It’s not like we will start acting different or anything.I guess I figured there would some HUGE difference.

The ideas we get into our heads.

I think I will finally feel “married” when we move into our new apartment. I’ve spent so much time in this apartment as engaged, that I don’t think it will feel different. I also know we will be moving in the next two months, so I’m not forming any attachments. Which translates into bare walls and not much effort into decorating. I see no point right now.

Despite this lack of new-ness, I am still so very excited. His wedding gift came in today and he LOVES it. I know. Why did he get to see it before the wedding? Well, we both had a long discussion about these gifts. We both decided if we’re going to spend any significant money, then we should make sure we like it. I picked out mine and he picked out his. We wouldn’t want it any other way!


Now, this is the section where I ask you a question. Anyone have any good ideas/suggestions/creativeness for what to do with wedding cards? (Or any cards for that matter.) I saw an idea on someone’s blog, but I can no longer find it or remember which one I saw it on. I want to keep all of them, but I don’t want to just shove them in a box.

I hope you all enjoy your Tuesday!

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, Married Life, wedding

Life Update

Things around here are a wee bit hectic. While at time I wish I was still in college, I am SO very happy I didn’t have to deal with finals or any of that this past month. I would have gone crazy!

–Fiance has finished his MBA program and he is very excited. I am glad he will get a break this summer before law school starts and I can have my happy guy back. He gets a little cranky towards the end of the semester because of all the projects and finals.

–One of my roommates ahd her wedding today. I know she wasn’t happy with what was going on. Her mom basically hijacked the whole thing and it isn’t what she wanted at all. She didn’t even get to pick out her won cake. Her mom did it without her. So, I could tell there was some tension and she wasn’t comfortable, so it was a little strange. But, she looked great and now they are married. That’s all that matters, right? Hopefully her mom will back off so she and the husband can settle in.

–I have been trying to find someone to take over the lease on my apartment for the summer for a while now. When I signed the lease through this July, I wasn’t quite thinking far enough ahead and my apartment complex company won’t just let you pay a fee to get out of a lease. You HAVE to find a replacement person, which isn’t always the easiest. Until….one of my roommate’s friends needed a place for the summer!! Long story short….she’s getting paperwork finished. I’m paying the transfer fee. And I’m moving out tomorrow.

Yes. Tomorrow. Busy much? Anyone want to come and help move boxes? I’ll supply the drinks and food?

–Fiance and I went out after the wedding with our friends A and R and we really enjoyed spending time with them. I’m in A’s wedding in July and I’m pretty excited about it. My bridesmaid dress has pockets and it’s super cute. Come on…pockets!

–This week I think is going to be nuts. I am hoping to get some calls to sub, but I can’t Wednesday because of some appointments I had already made because I thought we would be out of school by now. Silly snow days. And I almost want to take Monday off so I can organize stuff here at the fiance’s/my new apartment. ALL of my stuff is going to have to fit. Might get a little cramped this summer. The MIL has offered her basement to us for storage, so we might have to take her up on that.

–Wedding is in 14 days!! I cannot wait! I’m excited about the wedding and I’m looking forward to it all. But one of the things I’m most looking forward to is that fiance’s groomsman and best man are staying int he same hotel we are. Our hotel has a roof top bar. The wedding ends at 10. We’re planning on changing and hanging out with them for a little while. I think it will be great just to talk with our close friends without all the people and just get to relax. And then of course going to Mexico three days later. Beach. Sun. Water. Gourmet restaurants. 17 days til paradise!

I think I’ve rambled enough tonight. Hope everyone has a great weekend and spend some time and enjoy the weather!

New Teacher. New Wife.

—–Feel free to come help move tomorrow. If you have nothing better to do…..;-)

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Filed under Happy little posts


Remember those ridiculous tests that I kept whining and complaining about?

Remember how I was the worst writer on the planet because all I could do was fret over my 12 hours of testing?

Got the scores.


They were the hardest tests I have ever taken and I passed. First try. Holy crap.

Fiance is taking me out for a date night to celebrate.

Thanks for all the well wishes and good luck when I took them because it paid off!

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, Useless

19 more days of chaos

I thought I would try to not only blog about the wedding.

And then I didn’t blog for almost a week.

It’s too much of my life at the moment, so here it is. I’m sure many of you can understand the excitement/anticipation/nervousness that is constantly on my mind and running through my body.

So, on that note, we have 19 days till the wedding!!!!!Ā  So excited.

After my little meltdown last week, and the support and helpful comments I received, I took a little time for myself and thought about everything going on. I AM so very happy to marry my fiance. He’s perfect for me. If I believed in soulmates, he’d be mine. (I Haven’t fully decided if I believe in them or not…). He’s my absolute best friend and I can’t wait to spend my life with him.

I think I was just stressed. And I could get a little more stressed between now and then, but I know it will all be wonderful. I keep looking at our photographer’s blog and I love the shots she catches and I am fully confident that she will be just as wonderful on my wedding day. I mean, she has had two weddings in a row where tornado sirens were going off. I think she can handle our little group!

Cannot remember if I told this story, but I haven’t been freaking out about the wedding or things going wrong. Except my flowers. I keep having nightmares about my bouquet and how terrible it is! In one dream, it is only three flowers that are wimpy and wilting with a sloppy bow tied around them. They look awful and pathetic. In the other drams, my bouquet is like 4 feet by 4 feet and so huge that I can’t even see over it and it is super heavy. It even has a Santa Claus in a mink fur coat in it. What?!?!? Who has a Santa in their wedding bouquet? Not this girl.

I guess I could be having worse nightmares, so I will take my flowers issues, look at my florist’s website several times a week and look at what my bouquet should will look like. It calms me some.

What also has helped pull me out of this funk was my bridal shower last weekend. For some reason having a wedding related event helped a lot. And realizing we are now into the teens until the wedding. Bizarre.

So, a few pictures from last weekend. My fiance’s side fo the family threw it and it was a lot of fun. We got a bunch of good stuff and I just want to start using it all!

Someone must have sent the memo about my love of cupcakes. Both showers had cupcakes. Delicious.

My soon to be aunt got my this lovely corsage:

So pretty!

I had a little wardrobe malfunction. My dress was MUCH lower than I remembered when we bought it, so luckily one of the aunts had a safety pin and I could keep from flashing the grandmas and great aunts. That would have been bad.

The lovely table decorations. They did such a great job!

The quilt the fiance's Granny made for me.

This quilt is and will be very special to me. Granny (I’ve adopted as my own ever since my grandma, and last grandparent, passed away last summer.) makes every grandchild a quilt. One when they’re born and then when they get married. Granny had my fiance pick out his colors a long time ago, when he was still in high school. She joked that his future wife better like green because it is VERY green. good thing he found me because I love green. Granny also has really bad Parkinson’s and she realized she wouldn’t be able to keep making quilts, so she made this one about two years ago. I love it. She was apparently worried I wouldn’t like it for some reason. I love it very much and it will always be special to me.

After a long day of talking with people that I didn’t know and trying to be very sweet to everyone, all I wanted was a drink and to relax. We headed back to my MIL’s and I enjoyed a favorite of mine:

Ask nicely and I'll tell you what's in it...

Nothing better to cheer me up. And then these two adorable pups came and hung out with us. Molly, the bigger and thinner one, I saved from a shelter and my MIL kept her. I got to name her and everything. She’s precious. Buddy is a short and stout little guy, but very nice as well. My fiance LOVES this dog. It’s rather adorable.

This weekend we have my roommate’s wedding. Fiance DOES NOT want to go, but he’s going anyways. He doesn’t like the people whose wedding ti is, but it’s only for a couple hours so he can deal. And we will be going out after with some people we do really like, so I’m looking forward to it. Next weekend is my bachelorette party and his bachelor party in a certain midwest city. I am very excited! I will be going to a baseball game of my FAVORITE team of all time that afternoon, then getting cleaned up and going out for the night. Other than the game, I have NO CLUE what we are doing. So, I guess I’m a littler nervous also! hah

I’ll have more details as we get closer and I just can’t contain the happiness at the moment!

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, wedding

This useless degree

So, in honor of the current job situation and the fact that the 15 schools in my new state that are within an hours drive of the fiance’s school dont have ONE SINGLE JOB POSTING, I thought I would share this from one of my favorite Broadway shows. I think Beth teaches English, so she might appreciate the humor in it. (My degree is in Engilsh Education, so I am certified to teach, but many of the straight English majors would make fun of us and say we didn’t really know anything about literature, etc. Also, if you were an English major, this is not meant to offend. I just think it’s funny.)

**I’ll write a real post later today.**


Filed under Life After College

Cold feet?

I don’t know what my deal is.

It shouldn’t be PMS.

But I have been completely crabby and everything bothers me.

And for some reason, little things with the fiance are driving me nuts. I’m trying not to explode on him or anything, but I can’t figure it out.

I mean, I haven’t been a bridezilla at all. I’ve been really calm and collected about all the wedding stuff. I like everything we’re doing. I got excited when we met with the photographer the other weekend and laid out a timeline.

But something isn’t settling right.

I KNOW fiance is perfect for me. Not that he’s perfect, but we balance each other so very well and I love him more than I think I can describe. We have a couple few kinks to work out, but who doesn’t when they’re about to move in with someone for the first time? Mostly along the lines of he’s a neat freak and I can be a little messy. Not dirty, but clothes tend to just be all over the floor. (Switching houses every week since I was 7 might have something to do with that.)

I don’t know if this is some version of cold feet or what. Like, the simple fact that he didn’t have anything figure out for our plans tonight just made me mad to no end. Granted, he’s a man and has always been bad at planning. I couldn’t say anything because his best friend was over and I didn’t want to seem whiny or bitchy, but I was bothered. Normally, I wouldn’t care.

It’s almost as it gets closer, I get less excited. That sounds bad.

I don’t want a ton of comments about don’t marry someone you’re not sure about. That’s not it.

I don’t know how to explain it. I can’t find the words to the eloquence to define my feelings or attitude correctly.

And it’s not even just him. Other things are just infuriating to me when I can logically tell myself that it’s not a big deal and not to worry about it.

Such as a girl who there have been issues with, got engaged last night. While she may not be my favorite, I would normally be excited for anything and dying to see pictures of the ring or hear about the engagement. I love all those things. But I couldn’t find it in me to be happy for her. I was just negative. I wrote a huge long post about it all last night with all the gritty details of the issues, but then I realized it made me look whiny and petty so I deleted it.

I don’t want to be like that. At all. I try not to be like that. It doesn’t matter.

What is wrong with me?? People ask me about the wedding and I end up giving as few details as possible. Or just giving the generic, “It’s getting close.” or “We don’t have much left to do.”

I need some pep or something. I’m nervous about the bridal shower tomorrow because it is for the fiance’s side of the family and I won’t know most of the people there because they are distant relatives or friends of his mom that I haven’t met and it’s just going to be awkward.

I mean, I sit in the middle of people, opening presents from people I don’t know. All eyes on me and watching my every move. It’s strange.

Okay. I’m stopping. Any calming advice would be appreciated.

Must get out of this funk. Now.

New Teacher New Wife


Filed under wedding