Category Archives: Pop Culture


Last night, I, along with some friends, lined up in front of the movie theater at 5pm to see the very last Harry Potter film.

We’ve had our tickets for weeks. We weren’t lining up to buy tickets. My mom did not understand the point in getting in line 7 hours early.

But everyone does it. Everyone wants the best seats. Everyone wants to be a part of the whole event. A movie like this isn’t just a 2 hour cinematic feature. It is an event.

This whole series has been unlike anything else for me.

I have read these books from the beginning. I waited in line at midnight for the release of the newest book. I would stay up until I finished the books because I couldn’t imagine going to bed without knowing what happened. I’ve reread them and found something new each time. I noticed mentions in the first book that become so important in the end. These books were written so well that I can’t believe she was able to weave such an intricate storyline that the first scene ties in with the end.

Call me a nerd. Fine. I’ll accept it. But I truly love this story.

And last night?

It was magical.

Anyone who has been to a midnight showing of a movie that they have been anxiously awaiting knows this feeling.

You can feel the excitement in the crowd. Every person there is just as excited as you are. There is a common thread running through all those hundred of people. People you wouldn’t normally talk to or interact with or think that you have anything in common with, these are the people you are bonding with.

You make so many friends while in line. You get to know those around you. People will share food and drinks and snacks. People will ask if you need anything when they run across the street to Wendy’s or the gas station for more snacks. People bring games and before you know it, 20 strangers are laughing and and joking while playing Taboo or Catch Phrase. One group even brought chalk and was decorating the sidewalk. They even played foursquare for a while. One group had a tent set up and grilled burgers for people who were towards the front of the line.

In this day when people are less willing to help strangers and you have to be more cautious, it’s events like this that show me there is still some good in people.

And then you finally get into the movie. Everyone is talking and antsy because we’ve been waiting hours for this to start. I normally get so nervous that the people around me are going to talk during the movie. It is my biggest pet peeve.

But as soon as the lights go down, everyone cheers and then a silence settles over the entire theater.

My favorite part of these midnight showings of movies that people know so much about is that when a bad guy dies, everyone cheers. When something happens to a favorite character, you can audibly hear everyone gasp. The entire audience laughs at jokes that maybe casual watchers wouldn’t catch or wouldn’t find it as funny.

And since this was a movie based off of a beloved book, we are all waiting for those scenes that are our favorites. We want to know how they put it together. Does it look like how we thought? Are the emotions portrayed how we expected? Are those lines that are so crucial kept in the script? (And let me say, King’s Cross, in my opinion, was spot on. I couldn’t have imagined it any better.)

It was so fun to clap and cheer with 300 other fans was amazing.

Yes, it was 2:30am before I got home, but there was so much adrenaline and excitement that it didn’t matter. Not once during the movie was I concerned with what time it was or felt tired. My eyes were glued to the screen. I watched through misty eyes during those scenes that just broke my heart. And for once, I was the only one crying in the movie. I could hear a girl behind me crying and I passed her some of my tissues.

I’m not doing justice to all of the emotions I had last night. I know that. I can’t seem to focus while writing this, but this has been such a big deal for me that I want to write this. No, I wasn’t one of the people that dressed up, but I definitely was just as excited on the inside as those people.

I’m a little sad that it’s all over. Actually, I’m really sad. Since I was 11, this has been a part of my life. For 13 years. That’s unreal.

So for now, I will relive last night. I will go see this movie a couple more times. I will reread the movies. And a part of me is very sad that I have no more Harry Potter to look forward to. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner. And look up how hard it is to take care of a snowy owl.


Filed under A little More About Me, Happy little posts, Just having fun, Pop Culture, Things I Love

A Million Things

I have about 20 different blog posts that I want to write, but things keep happening so quickly that I can’t keep up, so I’m doing a brain dump post in hopes to touch on all of it. I don’t have the time or patience to write full posts on each of them. (Also, if I have a million typos that I miss, my pointer finger on my right hand is all messed up since my fingernail separated from the skin. It hurts pretty bad, which makes typing hard, so forgive me. I’ll try to catch them.)


* This past weekend I headed home and it was one of those rare weekends where everything went well and I got to spend some great time with some of my favorite people. My best guy friend A graduated from grad school this May and is at home before he leaves for California in a couple weeks. He was one of my bride’s men in our wedding and I was so excited to see him. I had dinner with him and his parents on Friday night at my favorite wine bar. And they have the best brick oven pizzas. His dad was the one that married Mr. A and I, and since A and I have been friends since 5th grade, we go way back and his family is just so wonderful.

Saturday morning I got to have breakfast with my very best girl friend R, and we got to catch up. She and I may not see each other for a couple months, but when we do, it’s like nothing ever changed and we just fill each other in on everything that has happened. She is dating an amazing guy and engagement and a wedding is in their very near future. I now have 3 weddings for next year and all are for very close friends. I might be more excited to get to be there on their special days than I was on mine. The pressure won’t be on me and I will get to relax and enjoy.

Saturday night, my mom got some free baseball tickets, so my brother, his girlfriend, A, and I all went and had a great time. My team came back and won in the 9th inning. Always makes for some excitement and fun. And, hello, NACHOS! heh

* I tweeted last week that my brother was being sneaky and was talking about some sort of surprise. The hints he gave immediately had me thinking that he and his long time girlfriend were going to get married. It would not be surprising if they just went to the courthouse and did something very small. However, this was not the case. His surprise was taking me to see The Little Mermaid being performed by the off Broadway touring company. This may seem goofy, but my brother always jokes that he knows all the words to it and The Lion King since I used to watch them over and over every weekend. He thought it would be fun for us to go now that we are older, friends, and could have a beer while watching. It was a sweet bonding night for us and I truly have THE most amazing big brother. He will get his own post one day soon. He deserves it and so much more.

* Speaking of weddings, my butt needs to get in gear because I will need some very cute dresses and these arms need some good workouts.

* Unpacking is taking its sweet sweet time. And torturing me along the way. Kitchen and bathroom are the only two rooms that are completely unpacked, organized, and free of clutter and crap that still needs to be gone through. Not sure what to do with stuff in the living room yet. The bedroom and office upstairs are going to be the biggest projects, so I think I am going to tackle those and plan on getting them done before I leave to visit Mr. A next week. Here’s hoping.

* And I’m waiting to post apartment pictures until I get things organized and put away so I can do before and after pictures at the same time. No point in posting pics of an empty apartment with no way to show all the work that’s been done to fix it up. It won’t be fully complete for a while because I need to stretch the buying of a few things over some time so that it doesn’t break our bank account. I know I will need some decorating help.

* I hate admitting this, but it looks like the husband and I are planning on staying in this apartment for the next two years. I love the apartment, but it doesn’t allow dogs, and I REALLY thought we would get one next year. Actually, i originally thought we would get one this year, but since we had to sign leases in January, and money and everything else was so up in the air, that we couldn’t fathom agreeing to pay more for an apartment when we weren’t even sure we would have the money to even get a dog. And after this moving nightmare, we really would like to stay in the same place for more than a year. I haven’t live in the same place for more than a year for the past 6 years. I moved every year or every semester at times. It will be nice to actually set up a little home and decorate and all that. And maybe we will be able to save money so when we graduate, we can move to a nice place in whatever city we decide on and then get a dog where we settle.

* The thought of not getting a dog for another two years truly breaks my heart. It’s something I’ve wanted so badly for so long that I actually ache inside thinking about it. Lame? Yes. But also very true. Our apartment does allow cats, but I am crazy allergic to them. I have considered just taking a Zyrtec everyday and going for it, but my cat allergy is pretty bad and I would hate to get one and then it still make me miserable. I don’t ever want to be one of those people who get a pet and then can’t take care of it.

* Still on the pet thing, very tempted to get a bunny. I JUST WANT SOMETHING FURRY THAT I CAN PLAY WITH AND SNUGGLE AND TAKE CARE OF!!! Gosh. Any of you ever had a bunny? Thoughts?

* The cars in our family decided that they too hated Mondays and thought it best to screw with Mr. A and I. Mine started doing this thing that when I put it in reverse (I drive a manual), I lose my entire dashboard- no speedometer, no fuel gauge, no turn signal, and worst of all, no blowers or air conditioner. It wouldn’t even blow hot air just to have some circulation. So I would have to change the fuse after I reversed my car out of whatever parking spot I was in. And I would have to do this every time I had to back up. So today, I drove back home so that I could switch cars with my step-dad and the shop he works for can work on my car and try to get it fixed. Nearly 5 hours of driving roundtrip after making the drive home yesterday did not make me a happy camper.

And then Mr. A’s car got towed. He says the spot had lines like every other spot, but they claimed he was in the exit ramp of the parking garage. He texted me a picture of the spot where he had been parked and it looked legal to me, but since he had no bargaining power since he’s an out-of-towner with no other way of getting around, he had to pay the $200 fee to get his car back. After paying for a cab to take him to the tow place.  He was not happy at all. Especially after his car got locked in the parking garage on Friday when he left it there while going to the baseball game with people from work. It was not his weekend with cars.

* This upcoming weekend is going to be a great one. On Thursday, I head to Mville. Mr. A’s best friend G’s girlfriend, C and I will be getting in line around 5pm to see the midnight showing of the last Harry Potter movie. We already have our tickets, but people start getting in line to get good seats. Also, it’s just kind of fun to be with a bunch of people who are all as excited as you are about the same thing. We will get food and bring books and magazines and cards and entertain ourselves. My mother in law said she would bring us food if we wanted. Last time, people ordered pizza to their place in line. And then I will ball like a little baby when the movie is over. Not only because the ending is sad (no, I didn’t give a damn thing away, so chill out), but also because this is the end of an empire and a huge chunk of my child and young adulthood.

Then, I will sleep in on Friday since I probably won’t even get home until about 4am. That night, my MIL and I are going to see Bad Teacher. We both wanted to see it and since my step-FIL is not the type to go to the movies, we’re making a date night out of it. And then I will giggle at the people who will ultimately be in line for the HP movie on Friday. Maybe I should shout out the ending for those who didn’t read the books…  ;o)

Saturday my awesome Mville hair stylist has fit me in for a Brazilian Blowout. I know there was some controversy, but I did my own research and asked her a MILLION questions, and I’m going with it. I’m excited since my hair is truly unmanageable in this horrendous humidity. I can spend an hour straightening and smoothing and putting product in my hair, and 10 minutes outside and it looks like I just rolled out of bed. It’s infuriating since I do want to look like I care and try to look nice. And with heading to the very humid southern state next week, I  thought this would be a good time to do it. Also, I still have the rest of July, August, and September. All still hot months. I don’t plan on doing this constantly, mostly because it’s expensive, but if I like it, it might become a summer thing.

And after my fun hair appointment, my MIL and I are headed to the pool for the rest of the day to sun, drink margaritas, and have a girls’ day. Her friends are meeting us there and it should be a blast. Sunday will also be spent at the pool before I head home Sunday night. Hoping for a little sun on my pale skin and to just get to relax.

* If you have figured out or I’ve told you where Mr. A is, and where I will be visiting next week, PLEASE send me an e-mail with some restaurant suggestions, places to visit, etc. PLEASE. Mr. A hasn’t gotten out much, and I will have all day long while he’s at work to entertain myself, so I need help. HELP.


I think that’s it. A lot is going on, and before I know it, GA training will be starting and I’ll be in class once again. This summer is just flying by. And I’m pretty much loving it, but cannot wait for my husband to return. Sure do miss him.


Filed under A little More About Me, Brain Dump, Happy little posts, Life After College, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life, Pop Culture, Things I Love

About 10 Years Behind

There’s been a new character that has popped up on this here blog recently.

We’re in love. Well, really, I love it. It doesn’t know I exist. But I’m obsessed.

It’s Sex and the City.


And as the title says, I know I’m years behind on this, but remember, when this show was on, I wouldn’t have been old enough or allowed to watch it. Never mind that we didn’t have HBO.

The first I’d ever truly seen of it was the first movie. I knew that I had to learn more about these girls and their stories. I loved the movie. That wedding gown. Those friendships. Mr. Big.

But show series are expensive and blah blah blah.

However, one day while perusing Amazon, I found the ENTIRE series for really cheap. Brand new. Even had a pretty pink case.

I also knew that i would be moving and Mr. A would be gone, so this would be the perfect time to get caught up.

Well, a week and a half later, I have finished the entire series. And even more in love than before.

How can you not fall in love with those girls?

They are so honest. I can see how any single girl would relate to them. Especially since they aren’t 26 and just prancing around. They are older and have more experiences, but they aren’t giving up on what they want from life.

Yes, they have more money than most of us. They can afford shoes that cost more than 2 months rent. Their purses and worth more than my car and the total of the items in their closet are worth more than some people would make in a year.

But they aren’t afraid to talk honestly and bluntly about men and relationships and the other action that I won’t spell on here because I don’t want THOSE kinds of search terms. I may be much younger than them and never spent years sleeping with half of a city, but I can still relate to them and learn from them.

But oh those clothes…

However, what the heck were they dressing Miranda in during the first couple seasons?! She looked like a frumpy boy half the time.

But Charlotte’s dresses and some of Carrie’s outfits, especially as the years go on. I so wish I could just have one of them.

Mostly, I cheered so wholeheartedly for their relationships. I can’t decide if I love Charlotte and Harry or Samantha and Smith more. Both stepped beyond what they would normally do and found love.

Miranda and Steve are adorable. I even like that he is shorter than her.

I’m torn on Big and Carrie. Especially when he leaves her on their wedding day. And when he leaves her for Paris. And when he won’t commit to her.

Yet, there is something that brings me back to them and makes me tear up when they get married in the courthouse in her very simple yet beautiful white suit. Maybe they just need a little drama to make it all work.

So there it is. My husband will now have to compete for my affections with a tv show. Or at least step his romance up a step or two. He should chase me across the world and bring me back. (I’m kidding. But a limo with balloons on my birthday would be nice…)

Who is your favorite girl? Who do you most relate to? Am I the only one planning on watching this series over and over?


Filed under Confessions, Pop Culture, Things I Love

Love Affair

Nothing long or poignant.

And while my last post makes this seem hypocritical, I fell back in love with Twitter tonight.

It has led to some great friendships, amazing conversations, and thoughtful debates.

And to those who can disagree respectfully, thank you forever and ever from the bottom of my heart.

The funny comments. The witty remarks. The snark. The sarcasm. Love.

I still stand behind my previous post, but I am willing to forgive and move on.

Now, can we go back to discussing things like awards shows and Teen Mom and baseball and the best beauty products again?

But keep the snark and sarcasm. They make this fun.

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Filed under A little More About Me, Blogging, Happy little posts, Pop Culture, Useless

Only comment.

I have not whispered a peep about this trial. Not one. My husband and i discussed it, but beyond him, I have not expressed one single opinion.

And I still won’t. Only one social media friend knows how I felt/feel and that was through private messages.

I knew that no matter which side I was on, someone would disagree with me, and it was not that important to me for me to get involved.

Even more?

I have no legal background. None.

Even more reason for me to keep my English degree mouth shut.

Yes, I do know what beyond a reasonable doubt it. Yes, I do know about circumstantial evidence and things have to be proven.

But I remained silent.

Except that I’m friends with A LOT of lawyers/law school people in social media. I actually got into this whole world through Law School Wife, so naturally, that’s who I have originally made friends with and connections with. And I’ve loved it. Law has always interested me so it’s fun for me to talk to people on the other side and hear their opinions and just how it all works.

But today.

Today a rift has formed.

Between lawyers and non lawyers.

And it’s probably not even a big deal. And the things being said are probably just over generalizations. But for some reason, they have deeply bothered me and hurt me some.

I understand many people who don’t understand how the law works and who had their own verdicts made years ago are ranting about everything. I get that. it’s annoying. Especially for the lawyers who truly understand how this works. even those who thought she was guilty knew that they did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt, so they were glad that the justice system worked how it should. We don’t want to lock people up just on mass opinion.

But the comments that ALL non lawyers are ranting and that NONE of them understand how this works bothers me. Yes it’s dumb. Yes, I’m taking something personal that has nothing to do with me.

But I have been quiet and I may be a “non lawyer”, but doesn’t mean that I’m dumb or ignorant of the justice system and the process that is involved.

No, this isn’t earth shattering. And should I care? Probably not. But if people are going to get all riled up, so can I.

So this non-lawyer is still keeping her opinions to herself. But the next time a non-educator talks about our education system, I won’t be biting my tongue.

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Filed under A little More About Me, Blogging, Learning More, Pop Culture, The Others, WTF

My Embarrassing Addiction

I’m a couple years behind on this addiction.

It started because I couldn’t find anything else to watch. We don’t have cable, and after 5 months sitting at home, I watched A LOT of Netflix. (If I searched how many times I typed Netflix on this blog, it might be astronomical. They should pay me. Just saying.) I quickly have run out of shows and movies to watch because I had days on end where all I did was watch television series’.

I have made it known my love of The Office. I mean, the Jim and Pam story? Their engagement? That amazingly sweet wedding? I cry every time. Michael cracks me up and I love to hate Dwight. And while this is embarrassing, not as embarrassing as my new love.

Grey’s Anatomy.

I know. I’m hanging my head in shame.

I so made fun of everyone who watched it when it was on tv. (I know it’s still on, but I mean from the start.) I would try to watch an episode here or there, but it all seemed like a ridiculous soap opera. Not as gritty and awesome as ER. Not as dumb as General Hospital. But, if you watch, it’s not really a show you can jump in and out of. You need to know back stories and all that.

So, about a month ago, Mr. A and I couldn’t decide on what to watch so we thought we would give G.A. a shot from the beginning.

Yeah. We’re both hooked now.


We watch a couple episodes when we’re eating dinner. On a lazy Sunday, we watch hours of the show.

And why didn’t anyone warn me about the fact that nearly every episode is a tear jerker?! And not just a couple tears. There are episodes that I have sobbed. Mr. A has teared up at a couple episodes.

Kids who we think might live die unexpectedly? Tears. Episode with the guy and girl who are connected with a pipe and the girl dies before her fiancé gets there? Sobbing. The whole Izzy and Denny storyline? Balling.

And I’m currently watching an episode where I know what is going to happen because I read the episode summaries and I’m all choked up and George hasn’t even died yet. Derek and Meredith writing their vows in the locker room? Adorable. And when she made the blueprint of their house with candles? Precious.

Yes. I’m hooked.

And since there is only one more season left on Netflix, I will have to either wait for them to put season 7 on Netflix or see if it’s on ABC online.

I guess I should also admit that I love Make It or Break It as well. That might be even more embarrassing.

(George just died. Izzy sees him on the elevator. He’s all in his army clothes and looking handsome. How did I get so effing attached to characters on a show?!?)

I think I just have a problem getting attached to book and movie characters. Harry Potter? I will be a sobbing baby when the final credits on the last movie roll. I’ve been reading those books since 5th grade and I balled at the end of the last book. (Basically I’m just announcing how easily I cry at stupid things…)

So what are your embarrassing addictions? What shows or movies do you find it impossible to peel yourself away from? Please share so i feel less lame. Haha.


Filed under Happy little posts, Pop Culture, Things I Love

He’s On My List

You know the joke. Couples have the list of celebrities that their significant other is allowed to cheat on them with. It’s funny and amusing.

Mr. A’s: Natalie Portman (even bald in V for Vendetta), Katy Perry, Ellen Page, and Lea Michele.

**I just realized all of them are dark haired, a little darker skinned, a little exotic looking. And the total opposite of me. Hmm. I’ll try not to focus on that. ha

I have a list. Not always typical. I love Dennis Quaid, Ryan Reynolds, Adam Sandler (more to go grab a beer with), John Krasinski.

And Ben Folds.

I don’t necessarily want to sleep with him, but if he could just sing to me and be his funny, uncensored self? I’d be sold. I really would have loved to have “The Luckiest” as our wedding song, but that wouldn’t really have been in our wedding singer’s repertoire. And it wouldn’t have been as good as him, so no point trying. Now if he sang at our wedding… Can I get a redo and invite him???

I have been a fan of his since he was in Ben Folds Five. There is just something about his voice that I love. I think his songs are great and I could just listen to his music for hours.


He is from Nashville, which is about 2 hours away from my undergrad. He did a show at my school my junior year. I was so freaking pumped because 1. Ben Folds would be at my undergrad 2. my school NEVER had good people come unless it was a country person. Or John Mayer and the tickets were so effing expensive and then he only played for 37 minutes. Screw you John Mayer. or 3. Because my dad was AMAZING and got us second row seats.

So, the opening band played, and they were good, but was anxious for Ben. Now, just to remind you, he’s from Nashville. It’s SUPER easy to get from Nashville to my school. Since he had a show in ugrad town, he decided to make a doctor’s appointment for that day since he wouldn’t have far to go for the show. Somehow, he and his wife got lost from Nashville to school. No idea how, but they did.

His concert team was great. They gave out free stuff and all that jazz. They kept us updated on where they were. Mr. A was a little perturbed because he figured Ben would show up late, play for like 30 minutes and leave since he was late.

Well, two and a half hours later… he showed up. And not only did he apologize a BILLION times, he played as long as he would have had he been on time. So it was nearly a 2 hour show. Even better? He improved an entire song about our school.

Part of the song he improved for us. And yes, he does say “there’ll be no beer at the BP station.” Oh going to college in a “moist” county blows. (Sorry it’s not a great video. Best one I could find…)

One of my all time favorite concerts. He’s fun. He doesn’t censor himself, which I’m a fan of. He puts on one hell of a show live. Just wonderful.

And now he’s on the NBC show “The Sing Off”. I’m a new fan of the show and I love that one of my faves, who wasn’t always mainstream, is getting some more popularity.

Maybe I can covert a few of you as well. 😉


Filed under Happy little posts, Just having fun, Pop Culture

Football Fashion

boise state (This is from Boise State. I know Duoly Noted will be excited.)

Football season is here.

I’m not a girl who is really into sports. I love baseball, but I won’t sit at home and watch all the games. If we’re at a sports bar, I will follow along and boo and make comments, or if we’re playing those yucky Cubs, we’ll go and watch and hope and pray we don’t embarrass ourselves.

But football? Not my favorite.

If I get invited to go to a game, I’ll more than happily go, but I kind of hate watching it on tv. I love the Superbowl but that’s probably because of all the food and large groups of people and such.

I think it stops too much and takes too long and I never understand the why the heck they got a penalty unless it’s obvious (like when someone punches someone in the face. Then I get it)

Now hockey? Love it. Fights and awesome goals and even more amazing saves. And it’s nice and chilly in the arena.

But, with fall comes football and everyone seems excited about it.

Even more so, they are CRAZY about college football.

College sports in general is a phenomena that I will probably never understand. Where I lived, college sports meant nothing, basketball is a foreign idea, and we don’t riot when we win national championships, in any sport. In college sports, your teams changes constantly and if you have a favorite player, they will be gone and then you have to get a new jersey. In major league sports, there’s at least a better chance they will be around for a while.

And with the starts of college football season comes football fashion. Another thing that I haven’t gotten the grasp of.

Last week was Mr. A’s school’s home opener for football. I was tweeting about what I should wear and the response I got was unbelievable. I didn’t know it was such a big deal.

I went to school in a state that is considered southern, but it’s as north as you can be and still drink sweet tea without the people around you turning their noses up. I grew up, and now live in again, the midwest.

I’ve read about bloggers picking out their game day outfits months in advanced. I thought maybe they were ordering jerseys or speciaty shirts.

Nope. So very wrong. Full on dresses.

Dresses??? At a sporting event??? WHAT?

I’ve always worn the a shirt with the teams logo or the teams colors to any game I go to. Cards game? I wear my Victoria Secret baseball series shirt and cute pants/shorts. I make myself look cute, but I’m not dressing up. In college, I would wear one of my 20 school shirts and jeans, just like every other girl there. If someone was dressed up, we usually assumed they were freshman and needed to get over themselves.

The ONLY time I have EVER dressed up for a sporting event was when Mr. A was working for the governor’s office in undergrad. There was a huge dinner being held at our university and he was expected to attend, which meant I had to go. It was December, so I wore dress pants, my best heels, and some fancy dressed up top. (I would have worn a dress had it been more than 10 degrees outside.) The governor and his people then went to the basketball game and sat in the governor’s box. I went to say hello to friends and quit feeling like I was on the spot, and they made fun of me. Mr. A was in a nice suit and tie and here I was, all dressed up, in the student section, next to the guys who painted their chests. Totally out of place.

Now, I’m not making fun of anyone or putting anyone down if you dress up for your school’s sporting events. I’ve discovered that it seems like a southern thing, but it may not be limited to that.

I knew people who went to Ole Miss and I’ve seen pictures that shock me. Girls in very nice dresses. Very fancy looking. And this is the norm.

ole miss This girl is dressed up and in pearls. Granted, the solo cup knocks the look down a bit…haha

ole miss 2 Even the guys get into it. Button ups, ties for some, and every girl I can see is in a cocktail dress.

They look great, I just never understood.

Some people go in between. They will wear nice tops in the school colors and dressier pants/shorts.

For the game last week, I ended up in just a nice top and jeans. Everyone was in school shirts. And I wish I had pictures of what some of the freshman girls did to their shirts to look sexy. We just rolled our eyes…

So, am I the only one who didn’t know about this? What did your school do- super dressy or laid back in tees and jeans?



(Again, I hope no one thinks I’m making fun of anyone. I think it just varies by school atmosphere. And my schools weren’t very fancy at all. And our football team sucked.)


Filed under Just having fun, Pop Culture


It’s 11:29pm on Thursday night. I’m sitting in my apartment, coffee in hand, My Best Friend’s Wedding on the television, and I feel I have a million things to say.

But as I sit here, nothing poignant or important, or even all that interesting is coming to mind.

I don’t necessarily want to get political because I have no idea what the views of my readers are and I would never want to alienate anyone. But at the same time, it’s my blog. shouldn’t I be able to say what I want? There are a couple of high profile, national debates going on, both of which I have been following and I am very opinionated about, but both are very polarizing. People tend to feel very strongly one way or another. It’s a love or hate. No in between. Which makes me sad.

Unfortunately, religion often skews these things. Now, I’ve never, at least as I can remember, offered my beliefs on this site. I have them. And just because there are certain aspects or ideals that I don’t understand or don’t like how people portray them, doesn’t mean I’m a satanist.

I just wish people could look at things a little more logically or objectively. You be a Christian and not ruin a soldier’s funeral because he was gay. Just a thought.

I’ve written entire posts about y views on a couple of issues, but as you can see, I haven’t posted them. I’m just afraid that if I do, I’m opening myself up for a shit storm that I’m not up for. I don’t want the comments bashing me or anything else.

Maybe I’m just an idealist. I love positive discussions about hot topic issues. I love being in a room with people who know what they’re talking about and listen to them discuss both sides of an issue. They come out more informed. And most shockingly? They are still friends. They still respect each other enough, that despite having varying view points on a controversial topic, they walk out shaking hands, still discussing, trying to understand more about the other side. To get as much information as they can. And maybe, just maybe, they will make a concession to what they originally thought.

I loved in high school, during my oral communications class, our project on debate. We partnered up. We picked a semi-controversial topic. We told our teacher who would be taking which side based on what our opinions were. Then he threw us a loop by saying we then had to argue for the opposite side. And our grade depended on how well we were able to argue the point, even if we strongly disagreed with it. It was fascinating. For every research paper I wrote in college, I would always make a concession to the opposing view. it gives more validation to your point that you are willing to admit that there is another side to it.

This went off on a tangent and quickly.

Probably stems from the fact that there isn’t anyone around for me debate with about topics. Not debate. Discuss.

So what do you do? Do you discuss politics? If so, how do you handle it? What will you do with your blog as the upcoming presidential campaigns loom in our future? Because I know, at that point, I probably won’t be able to keep my mouth shut.


Filed under Pop Culture, What to do?

Carrie Bradshaw and I need to have a little chat

Carrie Bradshaw and the Sex and the City girls have been the go-to for fashion, friendship, and dating advice for years. These four girls have stuck together through it all and, I think, it’s what every girl wants. Fun. Fierce clothes. The best friends a girl could ask for. Not to mention dating, and other unmentionable acts, with some of the most attractive men. Swoon.

But this new movie that I saw tonight with my mother in law was strange for me. It was good. I loved the clothes. The unapologetic attitudes about sex and not being afraid to be a strong and independent woman. The situations these women get themselves into. All of Carries shoes. (I would give ANYTHING to have those blue Manolo Blahnik’s from the last movie, which were nicely cameoed in Carrie’s closet this time around.

But the themes were getting to me.

If you have read anything I have written in the past week, you know I’m getting married in, now, 3 days. I am excited, to say the least. I can’t sleep. I’m restless. I’m antsy. All I want to do is to go over every detail and all I can talk about the this wedding.

I’m a five year old again.

I guess I wasn’t in the right mindset for this movie tonight. I won’t spoil anything, but a major theme was marriage problems and cheating while married. NOT what I want to even think about right now.

I got my first tiny taste of panic. From a movie. Lame.

I love him. I trust him. I do not need little bits of doubt about the sanctity of marriage or whether or not we will want to be around each other all 7 days of the week.

I guess this just wasn’t the movie for me. I thought maybe I should watch it later, but I feel like those themes are not something a newlywed needs to think about. I need to see a movie where love always prevails and people cannot be happier to be with their soulmate. Basically, I need the first movie again. Only, let’s skip the part where Big doesn’t show up at the wedding the first time. Another thought that I don’t need.

Oh well. Maybe in a few years I will be abel to look past those things and just enjoy the movie for the fabulous-ness of it all.

Tomorrow, we head home. A few wedding errands (tux, last minute gifts, nails, etc.). Saturday is just finishing up last minute things and rehearsal dinner.

And then Sunday. May 30th, 2010. 5pm. I will be walking down the aisle, looking at my future husband, and knowing I get to be with my best friend for forever.

Enjoy your holiday weekend and I’ll send you Mexico pictures!

New Teacher. New Wife.


Filed under Happy little posts, Pop Culture, wedding