Monthly Archives: April 2011


Just thinking about this summer makes my heart race.

Mr. A had another interview with the company he will be a legal intern for this summer. The company, based in Mville, is a worldwide college book distributer. The guy that owns it has a total of 23 companies, all under one management company. This guy, I shall call him JAC, is friends and partners with Mr. A’s best friend’s dad, who is also super freaking rich, but also amazingly nice and down to earth.

Anyways, Mr. A actually talked to friend’s dad about possibly seeing if JAC would take him on as a legal intern and have him work with the law firm he has on retainer. So the position didn’t even exist. Friend’s dad talked to him and JAC interviewed Mr. A and kind of seemed like he was all for it and said he would have the attorneys contact him. Today, he went and met with the attorneys. It was less of an interview and more of a “make sure he isn’t an asshole and actually knows something about the law” meeting. Even better, the law firm doesn’t do any litigation. Only transactions, contracts, wills and estates, and all things Mr. A is into. He will also be paid for this internship, which will be nice to have a little extra money coming in, even if it’s just to cover gas back and forth.

His last final is May 13th. On Saturday, he has some orientation/seminar thing for the first half of the day. On the 15th, he will have to head to Mville because his first day with JAC (as I will refer to it instead of internship1 all the time) is the 16th. I will get my work schedule for that weekend tomorrow, but I bet I work that Saturday, so I might see him for a few hours.

Since Mville is only 2 hours away, he is planning on coming back here every weekend, or I may go there if I’m off, but only seeing each other on the weekends isn’t going to be easy, at least not at first.

Last day at JAC is July 1st, a Friday. I assume he will come here after work because the next day, we have to move into our new apartment. On Sunday, the 3rd, he will get into his car and drive the 12-13 hours to Other State for kickass internship number 2. And since 12 hours isn’t really feasible, or affordable, every weekend, we won’t see each other. MIL has said she is going to buy my plane ticket so I can go and visit for a week, but I will probably wait until late July so he has time to get a little adjusted there and I can work the first part of July and then visit him and have another week off before my assitantship workshop starts.

I’ll give you a minute to catch your breath because I’m sure reading all of that makes you as exhausted as I feel just thinking about it.

In case you missed some of the stuff:

– I won’t even get 24 hours with my husband before he leaves for a week

– I will then have to adjust to basically living alone and trying to overcome my fear of someone breaking into the apartment (another post for another day)

– While he can come here on the weekends, I bet I will be working on a lot of weekends, so the time together is limited.

– I have to basically pack this entire apartment by myself. MYSELF. AHHHHHHHH

– We have ONE day to move. Before we got the final timeline of events, we thought we would have 5 days and could set up rooms, one at a time, that way there was less boxes to unpack and when we moved everything, it was all just set up and ready to go.

– We have ONE day in our new apartment together before he has to leave for Other State.

– I’m making my last day at work no later than July 13th. And then somewhere before the beginning of August, I will be making a trip to visit Other State.

– He gets back August 15th. My last day of orientation is the 17th. We’re hoping to have a mini vacation the 18th-21st. First day of classes for both of us is the 22nd.


I think I will start drinking Red Bull now to get me through August.


Filed under Grad School?, Life After College, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life

My Embarrassing Addiction

I’m a couple years behind on this addiction.

It started because I couldn’t find anything else to watch. We don’t have cable, and after 5 months sitting at home, I watched A LOT of Netflix. (If I searched how many times I typed Netflix on this blog, it might be astronomical. They should pay me. Just saying.) I quickly have run out of shows and movies to watch because I had days on end where all I did was watch television series’.

I have made it known my love of The Office. I mean, the Jim and Pam story? Their engagement? That amazingly sweet wedding? I cry every time. Michael cracks me up and I love to hate Dwight. And while this is embarrassing, not as embarrassing as my new love.

Grey’s Anatomy.

I know. I’m hanging my head in shame.

I so made fun of everyone who watched it when it was on tv. (I know it’s still on, but I mean from the start.) I would try to watch an episode here or there, but it all seemed like a ridiculous soap opera. Not as gritty and awesome as ER. Not as dumb as General Hospital. But, if you watch, it’s not really a show you can jump in and out of. You need to know back stories and all that.

So, about a month ago, Mr. A and I couldn’t decide on what to watch so we thought we would give G.A. a shot from the beginning.

Yeah. We’re both hooked now.


We watch a couple episodes when we’re eating dinner. On a lazy Sunday, we watch hours of the show.

And why didn’t anyone warn me about the fact that nearly every episode is a tear jerker?! And not just a couple tears. There are episodes that I have sobbed. Mr. A has teared up at a couple episodes.

Kids who we think might live die unexpectedly? Tears. Episode with the guy and girl who are connected with a pipe and the girl dies before her fiancé gets there? Sobbing. The whole Izzy and Denny storyline? Balling.

And I’m currently watching an episode where I know what is going to happen because I read the episode summaries and I’m all choked up and George hasn’t even died yet. Derek and Meredith writing their vows in the locker room? Adorable. And when she made the blueprint of their house with candles? Precious.

Yes. I’m hooked.

And since there is only one more season left on Netflix, I will have to either wait for them to put season 7 on Netflix or see if it’s on ABC online.

I guess I should also admit that I love Make It or Break It as well. That might be even more embarrassing.

(George just died. Izzy sees him on the elevator. He’s all in his army clothes and looking handsome. How did I get so effing attached to characters on a show?!?)

I think I just have a problem getting attached to book and movie characters. Harry Potter? I will be a sobbing baby when the final credits on the last movie roll. I’ve been reading those books since 5th grade and I balled at the end of the last book. (Basically I’m just announcing how easily I cry at stupid things…)

So what are your embarrassing addictions? What shows or movies do you find it impossible to peel yourself away from? Please share so i feel less lame. Haha.


Filed under Happy little posts, Pop Culture, Things I Love


So, busy week around here, huh?

Mr. A gets a dream internship. I get into grad school AND get an assitantship that pays for school AND I get a pay check.

But, life continues beyond these things, so I figure a quick little update on things would be great.

* So, not only will he be in another state as of July 5th (probably a couple days earlier, but the 5th is the start date), he will be working for a law firm for the first part of the summer. This is kind of a big deal on its own because the law firm is basically in house council for a big company, so he’s kind of on cloud nine right now. Hopefully that will help him keep his sanity as finals approach.

* Too bad other job is in his hometown. In case you didn’t catch that, it means we will be living apart from mid May through mid August. Yeah. 3 months apart. Not so much a fan. We did the long distance thing for a year and a half in college, but we saw each other every other weekend usually. And if not, then two weeks was the most time we ever spent apart. I assume he will come home on weekend while he’s in Mville, but still, the day to day won’t be fun. And when he’s in the Other state, no idea how long until I’ll be able to come down. MIL is apparently buying my plane ticket to go visit as an early birthday present to Mr. A. Which is pretty amazing of her, but still.

Also, we move into our new apartment June 28th. He will probably be going to Other state at least a couple days before he starts, so I will be in a new apartment with him for maybe 2 nights before I’m there alone. Guess who gets creeped out easily? THIS GIRL. New noises and shadows and creaks and neighbors. Yeah. I might start sleeping pills so I won’t think Jason or Michael are coming to get me.

* Work is basically unbearable at this point. Knowing I get to quit makes me dread it even more now. This is a problem seeing as I pretty much hated it before. I haven’t told them yet since I’m waiting on my paperwork and finding out when my training for the GA position is. I’m pretty much expecting a shit storm when I do and probably going to quit a little early so I can go visit Mr. A and just have some off time before my very crazy and busy semester starts.

* This blog will not be all about grad school. Promise.

* I also will not talk about how much I miss Mr. A all summer. Every so often, but not constantly because no one wants to read that all the time. Promise.

* I need a new blog/twitter name. I had a fun blog name idea, but it doesn’t translate to a twitter name, or I don’t think so at least, so I need some help. As of May 30th, we will have been married for a year, so I don’t want to still be saying I’m a new wife. And while I will finally be teaching again in August, I’m not going to be a teacher, or at least not in the respect many people think, and as I’m getting a Master’s and want to be a college professor, I think I need to ditch the teacher part. If interested in what my idea was, e-mail or DM me. I would like some input because I am terrible at coming up with fun and catchy names.

* Diet has crashed and burned. Going to work on getting back on track this week. Same goes for running. Apparently depression makes you only want to eat fried foods and lay on the couch all day.

* And before anyone calls me naive, I do not think all my problems have magically vanished with this week of amazing news. Just this week I was so conflicted because all of this stiff has finally fallen into place and this next year should be amazing for us. Yet, I still felt sad and not nearly as happy as I thought I should, or would. I am still working on that and will probably seeking professional help, whether just talking to someone or taking something. To be honest, just talking to someone on any sort of regular basis will probably help me. I talked to a therapist for a few months when i was living at home in undergrad and it helped immensely. So no. Not everything is just perfect, but I think the stress of not worrying about jobs will help me move past all that has been bothering me.

* So, watching the documentary The Cove on Netflix. Heartbreaking and very interesting. Go watch it.

* Going home this weekend for a baseball game and just hoping the weather is beautiful so I can enjoy my hot dog and nachos and my over priced beer in the sun and watch some fun baseball. And hopefully a win. Hopefully.

Enjoy your weeks and send me your new blog name ideas. I need your help!


Filed under Blogging, Grad School?, Happy little posts, Life After College, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life

Back to School…For Sure This Time!

So, from the last super short and dull of CAPS post, I got into grad school! Eeeeep!!

In case you didn’t know, I will be getting a Master’s of Arts in English. The program is kind of a survey program. I may want to focus on American Lit, but more than half of my classes can’t be just that. I think it is cool because then I am encouraged to try different classes and work with different authors and genres. Also, means I don’t have to pick something now which is awesome because that seems difficult right now.

Also, there’s a professor whose focus is on graphic novels and hoax poetry and comic books. YES PLEASE!!! Also, several who have PhDs in multicultural literature, which fascinates me, and another that focused on the Harlem Renaissance, which is something else I enjoy. (Yes, I also like the classics, but I thought these were unique enough that I will be taking those classes if possible!)

On top of just getting into a graduate program, I was also offered a graduate assistantship. Which means a couple things

First, free grad school (YIPPEEE). Which means not adding to our student loan debt. Also, I will get paid. Not sure I feel comfortable sharing the amount, but it’s decent. Not like I’ll be buying a new wardrobe by any means, but WAY more than I am making working retail.

Second, I will be teaching two sections of freshman composition. I’m both excited AND nervous about this. I am excited to be teaching again, (and yes I’m going to make Mr. A call me a professor hahaha) and even better to be teaching at a university since my ultimate goal has always been to be a college professor. Have to admit, it’s kind of an ego-boost, which I’ve needed.

But I’m also nervous. Teaching college kids?! Yes, I taught high school seniors, so basically the same age group, but it’s a whole new level. If it’s freshman comp class, so basically all writing, so LOTS of grading. The department outlines how many grades and how many things the students have to write, but we get to decide how we go about it. Both exciting and nerve wracking. I haven’t had to plan a whole semester’s worth of material, especially not ALL writing, but it will be fun to make up activities. No, I’m not going to do busy work because it’s college, but having straight writing gets boring at any level, so need to mix it up.

But mostly, I’m so excited about this amazing opportunity. Yes I know it will be a lot of work, especially at the beginning, but I’m ready to be doing something productive again. I’m not the smartest person ever, but I do have smarts and not using them for the last year has made me feel, literally, stupid. I’m ready to feel challenged again. I’m ready to feel needed and have students looking to me for answers or at least a grade.

Ready for this new adventure to start.

Still lots of details need to be worked out, such as which classes I’ll take, which ones I’ll teach. Where my office will be. 😉

And I will be sure to fill you in on all the fun details as I get them. Especially how work takes it when I tell them I’m quitting.




(Also, unrelated, any of you with WordPress blogs that are not paid for, need your help adding Google Analytics. I’m usually good with this stuff, but I can’t figure out where to paste it. Yes I’ve looked it up, but nothing is helping. And college kids are smart and I want to know if anyone from here is reading the blog…)


Filed under Grad School?, Happy little posts, Life After College

Even Better News…

So, not only did my husband get a kick ass internship this summer, but……



Know what that means?!?

Free grad school. A paycheck.

And I get to quit the horrible job I have now!

Yep. It’s a truly fantastic day. Too bad I’m on lunch and have to go back soon, but at least I know there IS an end to my retail torture.

Thank you for all of your prayers, kind words, and support. Thank you. Thank you.

Now to go read some Chaucer or O’Connor or Austen because being out of school for a year has made my brain decide that Grey’s is a great screenplay with dynamic writing.


Filed under Grad School?, Happy little posts, Life After College, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life

Good News

Well, this post would have been a little longer, but Mr. A is smart and has instructed me as to what information I can and cannot give out.

BUT……drumroll please…..


Like, huge deal.

And I am so stinking proud of him. I couldn’t get the stupid smile off of my face yesterday. I felt like a proud mom, only that’s a little creepy, but you know what I mean.

He had been so bummed about not hearing about some other summer jobs he had applied for while his classmates got placements, but just shows that everything is for a reason and he just had to be patient for an amazing opportunity to come around.

Downside: he will be out of state for almost 2 months, BUT it’s just another reason for me to have a little week of vacation this summer to go visit.

Sorry I can’t give out more, but he can’t and doesn’t want to let something slip, so we are being extra careful. (And if I happened to tell you where it is yesterday, please don’t put it in the comments. Not sure how big a deal it is, but he really doesn’t want job/school stuff on here, so I won’t do it.)

((Also, a grad school update: I e-mailed the director of the program (would have called, but had to work during normal office hours, so I figured an e-mail was better) and he said they hope to have decisions within the next 2 weeks, so if I don’t hear anything by the 25th, then I should e-mail him again. So 2 weeks folks. This could be bad…))

So we had some celebratory wine last night, and Thursday he has another surgery, Saturday we go see Avenue Q, I’m off Sunday and Monday and then next Saturday we go home to see an awesome baseball game. Let’s hope they get off their butts by then and start winning some games. Please.

How’s your week??


Filed under Happy little posts, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life


Well, a couple people know.

And while it basically is, until it’s official tomorrow, I’m trying to keep my mouth shut.

But we got some AMAZING news today.

News I will share tomorrow.

Once it’s truly official.

But I can’t get this smile off my face.


Good to know we still get some good news in this house. 🙂


Filed under Happy little posts, Life in Law School (even if I'm not in it), Married Life, Things I Love

3 Steps Back

Wasn’t going to blog today.

But today I was trying to be positive. Today I was trying my hardest to not be in a funk. Today I was working on faking it.

I had lunch with my dad. I ran a couple errands. I wandered Walmart just for something to do. (During that time I realized I’ve developed the new anxious habit of ringing my hands or constantly turning my necklace. My hands are as anxious as I am.)

I took a shower and washed my hair even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. Mr. A and I are going out to dinner just to get out of the house. Do we need to spend the money? Not really. But we need to do something, and since I work all weekend (and the closing shifts) I figured what the hell. Tomorrow’s pay day and we won’t go overboard.

I was even in kind of a good mood. At least not a crying in the shower mood. So I decided to repaint my toenails. They were a dark color and I wanted something fun and bright.

So I start taking the polish off my toes thinking if I wanted to do the new pink or tangerine color.


Yepp. Screwed up my brand new manicure that made me smile everytime I looked at the summery color and it wasn’t messed up. It didn’t even last 24 hours before I managed to eff it up. This shouldn’t be life shattering, but of course it put me into tears and ready to punch someone in the face.

That’s my mental space right now. I can’t think about anything other than what is upsetting me and I am a complete space case.

And I don’t even want to paint my toes anymore. Or go out to dinner. I want to sit in my pjs, eat crap food, and not talk to anyone.

Just when I thought I was doing (marginally) better.

That doctor’s appointment seems inevitable.


Filed under Confessions, Freak Out Much?

Digging in Deeper

I don’t want to write this. I’ve said it about other things, but I just feel like I have to. Not have to, but need to get this just out of my head and onto “paper”. I’m turning comments off because I cannot handle anyone telling me to get over it. To cheer up. To get some perspective. To quit bitching.

I can’t. And while this is a public blog, I won’t listen to it.

That’s the thing about being honest. I try to explain everything. I try to tell you guys all the aspects of the story. But it’s not possible for me to explain every minute detail. Everything that has led to this. Therefore, I can’t take the judgment.

Maybe after some of this resolves itself, I will be able to handle it. I’m usually pretty good at taking advice I know I need to hear.

But today?

I can’t see the light.

I don’t see the top of the hole that I’m in.

I don’t see how this is going to turn around.

Melodramatic? Yes.

How I feel? Yes.

I know I’m in a waiting game. Grad school has to tell me one way or another. They will either accept me, or reject me. I will hear something.

Lucky for me, they have to at the very least send a rejection letter.

Now the schools I applied to for teaching jobs?

Who the hell knows.

They don’t have to call for an interview. They don’t have to contact me at all. And I know my high school had to fire 37 teachers. Guess what? That means they will probably be applying for the two schools I found that had openings* as well. Guess what? Who thinks these schools are going to feel bad for these teachers being laid off just because of budget cuts? I do. Guess who I think they will hire since they already have experience and since they are being laid off, probably won’t mind if it’s a pay cut (which isn’t even true because the places I applied are good distrcits)? They will hire them.

NOT the girl who hasn’t been in a classroom in a year.

NOT the girl who was unemployed for 5 months.

And certainly NOT the girl who could only find a job working part time at a department store.

The worst part is that this isn’t even me.

I feel like I haven’t been me for a very long time.

Things don’t make me happy. Things don’t cheer me up. I’ve always been a crier but this is absurd. I don’t have the strength anymore to put on a happy face for my husband after a long and stressful day and I’ve always been able to do that for him. He has a huge interview tomorrow and all I can do is be short and snippy and not appreciate that he made dinner for me. I suggested he go to the gym. I said it was because it’s a good stress reliever for him, which is true, but really I just wanted an hour in the apartment by myself. An hour where I didn’t have to pretend or try to be in a better mood.

And I haven’t been reading blogs because I can’t handle it right now. I love the puppy pictures and stories about whatever you did on the weekend and the giveaways and the pregnancy updates and all of it. But all I feel is jealousy.

How sick is that?

And yes. I know what this probably means. I’m not dumb. I took several psychology classes and all of that. I know. I logically know.

But I also know that  my husband was diagnosed with it at the age of 16, and is fine now, but because of that, the only reason he has health insurance is because of the healthcare bill and he can be on his mom’s insurance.

Guess what? I’m not going to have that on some record that is going to screw me later on- later on when I’m fine and over this and happy.

I’m not. I refuse.

Would medicine help? Probably. Can we afford it? Not really. Am I even going to go to a doctor about it? Not a chance in hell. Yes, I have insurance (my mom’s, again because of the healthcare bill. And that year I was on my own, I had an easier time because I didn’t have that diagnosis. Mr. A could ONLY get Cobra, which costs more than I even want to think about. And then only covered emergencies. Have I mentioned he has Crohns which sometimes requires procedures and medication?! Yep. Healthcare bill is the greatest thing to happen for us.) But I’m not going to go and have a doctor write this on some obscure chart and I will be reliving it for the next 20 years.

So why am I writing? Because I feel like I have no other option. I may not be able to put on the happiest of faces for my husband right now, but I sure as hell am not going to drop this on him. 4 weeks till finals. He’s stressing about this interview and the summer and classes and the fact that we have no money because we’re here and he’s in law school and I work for less than I did when i was in high school.

Nope. I’m smarter than that.

If I want us to move and that means he gets into the schools he is going to apply to transfer to, I’m not dumping this on him. Not now. This all means too much to both of us and I can’t do it.

So I dump here. On my corner of the internet. And I’m so far beyond caring if anyone thinks I’m whining or being a baby or needs to grow up.

I know all of those things are true. That’s the problem. The logical part of my brain knows this is ridiculous. I need to pull myself up and just get over it, wait for what will happen, and move. But the other part of me can’t see past tomorrow. When this second part of me assumes that I will, yet again, not hear anything.

I’m just done.

* Openings south of Chicago. If I was willing to move there, there are a hundred openings. And before someone says, “Yeah but they’re inner city schools and blablahblah” Chicago keeps all the money in our state basically for itself. I love you Chicago people, but do not tell me that it’s the same. It’s not. i’d take a scary inner city school job over nothing thank you very much.

** If you want to email, you can and I love talking to you all, but I can’t do the comments tonight because if I get a bad one I will lose it. And I don’t want that.


Filed under Confessions, Freak Out Much?, Life After College, WTF

Confessions 2

I wasn’t happy with my last confessions post. It felt half-assed and lame. The problem is that I think of things to write about when I’m not at a computer and then later forget them. I write entire blog posts in my mind and then can’t remember what I had to say. So this is attempt 2.

— My favorite movie is Fight Club. Love it. The book was good too, but it is by far my favorite Brad Pitt film. Actually, other than Seven and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Babel, not really a huge BP fan. But Fight Club. Yummm. And the storyline is just awesome. And Helena Bonham Carter makes for an amazing crazy woman.

— I actually like playing Call of Duty. I’m not all that good, but I like to play. I actually like video games, and I really like another one but I refuse to completely out my nerd-dom. I don’t like all games and I don’t play all the time and I’m really not all that good at any of them, other than Mario Kart, but I like them.

— I have baby fever. Blergh. I guess it’s not too bad because I do have my head on straight and sense we can’t afford our rent without student loans, we sure as hell aren’t intentionally adding a baby to the mix. But I made a comment tonight at dinner with a good friend that our house will be the one with the dogs and the toddler running around. Friend made a joke and Mr. A said, “Yeah, but I’m so ready for that.” How freaking adorable is my husband? He will be a great dad. After law school. But I do wish law school was over already. (Remind me of this in a couple years when I’m 9 months pregnant and saying, “You know, I was just kidding. Can I undo this? Or can I magically snap my fingers and it appears in my arms without all that pain and screaming?)

— As much as I love my husband and all his adorable dorkiness, I DO wish I had my own apartment sometimes. Not to spend the night or try to do things without him knowing, but just four walls that are all mine. A place I can go when I’m stressed and upset and just need alone time. When I get overwhelmed I kind of shut down. No amount of joking is going to make me smile or cheer up. I completely need alone time. Mr. A and I have talked that when we build our dream house, we will each have a room that is just ours. I won’t go to his and he won’t come to mine. Some may think this is dumb or judge, but we both are fairly independent when it comes to stress management and we would only need to escape for a couple hours. Also, a quiet place when either of us have to work to do. Mine will have lots of pillows and soft and fluffy surfaces.

— I’m kind of a slob. Not in a trash and old food kind of way. But in a clothes and shoes left all over the place way. I moved between my mom and dad’s houses every week, so I lived out of a duffel bag between the ages of 7 and 18. And since I thought it was stupid to unpack and put clothes in a closet for 6 days before undoing it all, I never used closets or dressers. Just my GIANT bag. Which of course resulted in a pile of clothes in the corner of my room. Well this habit has remained a major problem. I get better, then I do laundry, and if I don’t force myself to put the clothes away the second I walk back in the house with my laundry, it isn’t going to get put away. At least not until the next time I do laundry and the process repeats itself. Also, have I mentioned my husband is a neat freak? Yeah…sometimes this is a major source of our fights. But I’m working on it and he tries to be understanding. At least to a point. But I’m working on it.

— There are days, like today, when my diet is failing and I haven’t been working out, where I think “How bad would it really be to stay fat?” Yes. I think this. But then I remember all those photos I hate and the fact that I can’t wear clothes that I want to and I try to keep those thoughts away and tell myself that tomorrow is a new day and I get another chance. That new Nine West dress at work is also a great motivator. As is the Tiffany’s reward I will get once I hit my goal…

— While I’m definitely not a New York or Chicago type, I know I definitely would not fit in in the South. I went to school in the northernmost southern state, and even that was too much for me at times. And hearing about somethings that were expected or common practice made me gag or want to run away. Not all things in the South are bad. I’m not saying that at all. I’m currently in love with a seersucker dress and I like sweet tea and warm weather, but it’s not for me. I think I’m definitely a Midwest mentality. Too bad Midwest means no beach front. Darn.

— I really wish i lived closer to some of you. To grab coffee. A margarita. A pizza. A movie. Something. Love that the internet connects us, but then makes me sad it doesn’t make the globe smaller.

— When someone gets on to me about how young I am and I’m married, I want to scream. I’m not 16. We didn’t get married because I got knocked up. We’ve known each other longer than many adults did before they got married. We’re both pretty mature 24 year olds. We have our heads on straight. AND, not ONE person in either family thought we were too young. And they saw us together all the time. They knew we were ready and meant for one another. So when complete strangers try to tell me I made a mistake or imply that I was dumb, I want to shank them. Leave me be.

— I will NEVER take a bet if I think I might lose. You see, if I take or make a bet, or even if I just continue with an argument, it’s because I am 200% sure I am right. If we’re debating something (something fact based, not opinion or emotion), and I KNOW I’m right, I won’t back down. But, if I’m even the slightest bit hesitant, I will back down and check my facts before continuing. My husband is VERY slowly learning this. But I have won some pretty sweet bets this way. Poor guy just doesn’t know when to let it go. I won’t say I’m always right, but if I’m not backing down, you can be pretty sure that I know the answer. Unless it’s a sports bet and then it’s all chance anyways.

— Also, I’m fairly stubborn. And if you tell me I’m wrong when I am 200% sure I’m not, my brain explodes and I turn into the Hulk. It infuriates me. As does when people tell me I’m wrong about things that are subjective.  If I think it’s hot and you say I’m wrong because you think it’s cold, I’m going to get mad. I’m okay with you thinking it’s cold,  but don’t tell me I’m wrong. You have no idea what temperature I’m feeling. Just like I think tomatoes are gross. You may love them. Awesome. I won’t tell you you’re wrong because it’s subjective. End rant.


Filed under Blogging, Confessions, Life After College, Married Life