Working Girl

The day has finally come. I had my first full day at work!!

Saturday was my first day. I didn’t have to go in until 2, but I still made myself behave at the ball the night before. Nothing worse than first day of work with a hangover while I’m trying to impress people.

It was all a little confusing at first since my manager just told me to come in and I wasn’t on the schedule. And of course she wasn’t there when I arrived, so no one was quite sure where I was supposed to be, when I got off, etc.

The departments I have been hired for are the home store and the kid’s department since they are right next to each other and the departments share sales associates. I assumed I would be in home since that’s what they showed me the other day before training, but they decided to really screw with me on my first day and put me in kids. The department that no one had showed me or introduced me to.

It wasn’t too bad though. I was very nervous the first couple of times I had to ring someone out since not only am I not completely sure about the buttons to push and have to read the screen each time, but also the girl mentoring me that day was standing over me, which just makes me a ball of nerves. It didn’t help that a one-day sale was going on and some things that should have been ringing up as extra percent off, weren’t. I didn’t even know what all we had on the floor and I had to know which items to take extra money off of. Needless to say, I had two people come back and say more should have been taken off. Oh well. It was only two and I now know how to re-do a transaction.

I also had a hilarious mom come in. She seemed a little frantic and I asked how I could help her. She then just started talking super fast about her twin 10 month old boys and how it was their birthday the next day and she needed outfits for them for church and her husband was wanting to get going so she was rushed and blah blah blah. She was talking a million miles a minute.

So I showed her a couple things and she liked them, and was deciding when I told her that everything on that rack was an extra 40% off that day. You would have thought I told her she won the lottery.

She started scooping up everything in their sizes and spent $100 in 10 minutes. It was fairly impressive. Too bad I didn’t have a sales goal seeing as it was my first day.

My feet were killing me, but that was from the heels I wore the night before and the dancing and such I was doing. Luckily I had Sunday and Monday off, so super comfortable shoes and slippers it is.

Strangely, even though i know there will be days that I hate it, I kind of like it. Saturday was constantly busy while I was there, so it made the time go by more quickly. I enjoyed talking with customers and working at the register. And looking at all the adorable baby clothes was fun too. Especially since the Christmas outfits are coming out as well as super soft pajamas and onesies and just adorable things. Too bad I have no one to buy them for. Oh well, more money for fun shoes, clothes, and handbags!

Oh wait. I’m not supposed to spend my entire paycheck at the store? Oh. We shall see how that goes.

I only work Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and then next week I have a ton of hours and a 10 hour shift on Black Friday that starts at 5:45am. I will be asleep as soon as I get home that day. Tuesday is my first, full 8 hour shift, so we shall see if my feet don’t try to detach themselves from me by that night.


Filed under Working Girl

7 responses to “Working Girl

  1. Glad your first day is over with, and sounds like it went pretty well!!

  2. Sarah

    Glad you had a good first (real) day of work! You’ll be surprised how quickly 10+ hour shifts go, especially on Black Friday.

    Also, I recommend investing in some Dr. Scholls shoe inserts. They will save your feet!

  3. Glad you are enjoying it so far!

  4. Get it girl! Just wait until after Thanksgiving though 🙂

  5. I’m glad that you’re enjoying the job. You’re getting out of the house and talking to people! That’s a good thing. 🙂

  6. Meredith

    GO YOU!!! Looks like you are learning quite fast. And just in time for the crazy shopping season.

    When you’re busy at work, time flies. So much better than not having enough to do and watching the minutes crawl by.

  7. Great work! You are going to kill when it comes to sales goals and commissions! 🙂

    Glad you had a good first day!

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